

Description: Nutritionist

Name: Marcelo Félix Ferreira

Marcelo Félix Ferreira, 31, lives in the Santa Marta community and has a four-year degree in nutrition from the Brazilian Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine (IBMR).

The desire to study nutrition has been with him since he was a child, obese and unable to afford a quality service that would fit into his family’s budget.

Currently, Marcelo develops nutritional consultations and evaluations at an accessible price to the residents of his community.

The interest of @nutrifelix236 in improving knowledge involving the themes of entrepreneurship and nutrition, grew when attending classes at Project Hub.

The nutritionist says that the mentoring he receives from professor Marcele Porto has been helping him manage his career, bringing innovation to the service he provides. Including, improvement in communication, notions of financial management, and digital marketing.